Wow! What a year, so far. With everything that’s happened, this year has reminded me to focus on myself; something we all need to get back to. We get so caught up in worrying about what others think, we forget who we really are. We start to compare our lives to others, which creates this thought of “I’m not good enough.” You get wrapped up in trying to keep up an image but for what? At the end of the day, who can you truly call on when you’re about to get evicted or can’t put food on the table? At some point, you have to realize that you have to focus on, and worry about, yourself. Sometimes you’ll be right, other times you’ll be wrong. Learn from it and grow. You can’t get to where you want to go by looking back the entire time at where you’ve been. Growing up, it was hard balancing life without any security or stability. Being taken from my loving and caring mother to live with a donkey who wouldn’t even give me the time of day was an experience I wish I never had. Then, add to that being passed around like a hot potato through the foster care system, I started to change who I was. All that change was a hard adjustment and I had no one there for help. This left me feeling that my work, and what I did, weren’t good enough. Through it all though, the one thing that got me to where I am today was STAYING TRUE TO MYSELF. When times were rough, I kept telling myself “I Got Me.” 2020 has given me a refresher lesson in all of this. It’s a year to learn lessons. Would love to hear what lessons 2020 has taught you! Comment below ⬇️